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David González: “Knowing how to create a common space for your ideas and those of the musicians in the orchestra is essential in conducting”

David González (Puerto de la Cruz, 1984) faces a new year full of projects, which branch into three itineraries that do not run parallel, but constantly intersect. Teaching, performance as a percussionist and orchestral direction. This Tenerife native, born in the tourist city and raised in La Orotava, has had the opportunity to lead groups such as the Malaga Philharmonic, the Dubrovnik Symphony and the Gran Canaria Philharmonic, among others. In this talk with DIARIO DE AVISOS he addresses the multiple facets that make up his passion for music.

Scherzo: La Filarmónica de Gran Canaria estrena tres obras para saxofón

Today, Friday, December 8, the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium hosts the eighth concert of the 2023-2024 season of the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra (OFGC). On this occasion, saxophonists Arno Bornkamp, Vincent David, David Alonso and Ernesto Aurignac will perform a monographic program dedicated to their instrument under the direction of Tenerife-born David González [in the photo].

Intervew in Platea Magazine: I'm doing a lot of work with 21st century music and composers.

Director David González is making an increasingly important place in our country's musical programming, with projects especially linked to contemporary creation but without leaving aside the great repertoire and stage music. On the occasion of his upcoming concerts, we spoke with him to learn more about the origins of his vocation for music and his most imminent projects.

Director David González closes the Classical La Laguna Festival with works by Canarian and Latin American composers

The Canarian director David González (Puerto de la Cruz, 1984) will be in charge of putting the finishing touch to the programming in Tenerife of the fourth edition of the Classical La Laguna Experience Festival next Sunday, October 29 at the Teatro Leal in La Laguna with a concert in which he will conduct the festival orchestra.

The Canarian David González conducts the premiere in the Islands of 'Lazarillo de Tormes'

This Saturday (8:30 p.m.) the Tenerife director David González (Puerto de la Cruz, 1984) will be in charge of conducting the score for the David del Puerto National Music Award for the opera El Lazarillo de Tormes. The Teatro Leal in La Laguna will host the premiere in the Canary Islands of this composition with a libretto by the music journalist and writer Martín Llade, in a production by Teatro Xtremo.

David González: “I consider myself lucky to be able to make a living from music”

David González is a young musician who is trying to make his way as an orchestra conductor in a far from simple world and in which he will 'make his debut' next Saturday at the head of the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra.